tisdag 31 augusti 2010

Freeflowing towards 23260 GS, washing and japanese picturepuzzles

To make life easier for my girlfriend I'm putting this part on top instead of the gaming part. I can't really say or understand why but she is not extremely interested in my achievement-hunting. Shame on you! No, all kidding aside I put this up here for you, baby. Now you don't have to scroll down through enormous amount of crap before getting to the good part (If there are any good parts).

I had a pretty rough time falling asleep last night. My clock showed 3.30 the last time I checked it so my morning was not the most wonderful thing you can imagine. I got up and made my girlfriend breakfast. Yes, I am a very nice guy. I get myself ready and... You remember the shoes I bought yesterday? Well, it turns out that in a hectic situation it's harder to get in them than trying to break into Fort Knox. After a few moments of struggling I check the clock in the kitchen for the time and to my horror I realize that the bus is leaving in 4 minutes. It's a pretty short walk from my apartment to the bus stop but I still felt a small surge of panic wash over me. I rush out of the apartment and start running, which is not something I do very often, for obvious (fluffy) reasons. When I get around the bend so I finally can see the bus stop I see the bus standing there with it's engine purring like a big-ass cat. Or some other big, grey animal. Elephant!
Anywho, I get in my highest gear (2) and fly across the pavement like a fat man on wheels dropping stuff from my bag as I'm running. I now see two busses and I sprint for the nearest one. I get there in time and get on the bus only to realize that it's the wrong bus. WTF!? Get off the bus and run to the other bus which is standing three meters away. Finally on the right bus and on time. Whoohooo! I park my ass and at this point I'm ready to fall down and die. Check my mobile for the time and... WTF!?!?!? 6 minutes left?! Now I get it. The clock in the kitchen is set so you can't miss the bus, like 5 minutes ahead. I know this but yet I still seem to forget it. I ran all for nothing. I almost died all for nothing! And I dropped stuff...

I had a short day in school today. One hour and 30 minutes to be exact. Therefore nothing happened there.
Moving on. When I get home I find out, through a text from my girlfriend, that she is getting home later than usual. Yay! I get to wash our clothes all by myself. This is also one thing I dislike doing. At least by myself... Everything is more fun if you do it with someone. At least you can chat through the pain. But nooooo... I survived at least. The reason I don't like doing it alone is that I'm terrified of fucking up and in an instant make all our clothes into midget-versions of their former selfs. If you make a mistake it's like fucking over. It's not just one sweater you can never wear again. It's every piece of clothes in the machine which is like everything white or everything colored. I might be good-looking but it's impossible for me to wear a t-shirt that stops under my pecks (boobs). Not even me, in all my glory, can pull that off...

Now it's time to tell you about another passtime of mine. Japanese picturepuzzles! These are very fun to do and involves coloring in little squares to form a picture. The only thing you get as help are numbers in the margin to the left and at the top of the grid. For example if a row in the margin shows, say: 1 6 23 5 11 4 5, that means that the first square that is to be colored is a single one. It can be anywhere on the row but it has to be first of said number combinations. This means that there has to be enough squares to fill in the other numbers following the single one. After that there needs to be at least one space before the 6 can start. The 6 is easy enough as its 6 colored squares in a row. So the line above should be: 1 single colored square followed by at least one empty square followed by 6 colored squares in a row and so on. By using some math and crosschecking the left margin with the top an image slowly forms. This is something I really like what with my disorder and all. I will show some pictures to explain it more thoroughly. It's always easier if you can see it for yourself.

This is the left margin...

This is the top...

This is the grid which I've started to solve...

And here's one I've completed...

These are (for me) very fun and I recommend these for those of you who likes crosswords and math. It's a great combination (without letters of course).

ACHIEVEMENTS (may contain spoilers)
So for the gaming part of my day. I had a good day today to.
I continued on Batman: Arkham Asylum and I was aiming for the Freeflow Combo 10 achievement since it seemed natural to get it somewehere around here. But I didn't. I got one or two more collectibles and unlocked the Cryptic Investigator achievement first of all today. I found out that there are 240 different collectibles in this game and it's not all the same. You can find green question marks called Riddler's Trophies and you can find interview tapes from the inmates at Arkham Asylum. These are rather enjoyable as they give some background info on the baddies in the game. There is also Riddles in many of the areas as well and these give you a riddle which you need to solve by scanning things in your surroundings. An example is the riddle "Who is the main man in the Main Hall?" and you solve the riddle by scanning a portrait of Commissioner Gordon which is hanging in the main hall. They are rather easy once you understand them. The last collectible that I've found are Joker Teeth which are these joke teeth jumping around all over the place. When you destroy a fixed amount of these you get a collectible. There might be others but if there are I haven't seen them yet.
After that I got some story related achievements. I got, in said order, the Just What the Doctor Ordered achievement for rescuing three doctors from the Medical Building, the Daydreamer achievement for surviving Scarecrow's horror gas episode, the Baneful Payback achievement for defeating Bane (which is an awesome villain) and last but not least I got the Breaking and Entering achievement for getting inside the Arkham Mansion. After that I decided it was time to stop playing but before I got to a checkpoint, which saves the game, I found a few more collectibles which got me the Lateral Thinker achievement for finding 25% of the collectibles. This is also my 1,000th achievement!
All in all I got 6 achievements for a total of 95 GS.

You're about to get smacked over the head!

Go achieve something!


måndag 30 augusti 2010

Being heroic towards 23260 GS, new shoes and identity...

ACHIEVEMENTS (may contain spoilers)
Today I got a brand new (old) game. Batman: Arkham Asylum which is an awesome game. At least so far but I guess there is a reason why it was chosen as Game of the Year. The thing I love about starting a new game is all the achievements that follow. There is almost always a bunch you can get right off the bat and Batman: Arkham Asylum is no exception.
I played through the start of the game doing some minor shit along the way. The combat in this game is awesome and the achievements tied to them are called "Freeflow blah, blah" which is something that describes the fights brilliantly. The first achievement I got was Freeflow Combo 5 which is rather self-explanatory. Just score a 5-hit combo which is rather easy since there is about 3-6 enemies in each encounter and each guy takes up to 5 hits to knock out. After that I got Shocking Rescue which is an achievement tied to the story and therefore you cannot miss it. It's unlocked after you save the guard from Zsasz. There, I spoiled it! Continuing on I found myself (my character of course since I'm not THAT crazy) in a room filled with gas. In here there are 2 guards and one inmate hanging on for dear life above the gas. When I saved said 3 people I got the Leave No Man Behind achievement. After that I met the Joker. Yes, the coolest villain of them all. I just love his sense of humour. In this room he releases some kind of human / hairless ape hybrid that you need to dodge for the Malpractice Needs More Practice achievement. I misunderstood the fight and tried to kick his ass which resulted in me getting a pretty hefty beating. Done with that my bruised (see what I did there? Bruce Wayne is Batman... No? Damn!) Batman entered a new room with a lot of armed enemies and in here got the coolest achievement in this game yet. You can unlock a special move called "Invertal Takedown", or something, which basically let's you hang from objects in the ceiling and swoop down and pick the enemy up and let him go, now hanging from a rope from said object. Then I just had to wait until another unsuspecting poor soul walked underneath him and use my Batarang to cut the hanging man down, on top of the other enemy. Priceless! Rope-a-Dope-a-Dope unlocked.
The Riddler makes an appearance in this game too in the form of collectibles. He leaves riddles stashed in various forms through the entire game. I think there are something around a total of 200 different things lying around. The next achievement is tied to that. Upon finding around 8-10 of these I got Arkham Analyst. That apparently represents 5% of the collectibles. Last but not least upon leaving the building I first started in I got the story achievement Born Free.
So all in all it was a pretty good night with 7 achievements netting me 75 GS.

The battle system is awesome in this game. Go Leatherpatch! (Yes, the swedish name in English)

Oh, by the way. Before going to bed last night I remembered a glitch in Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock. After I beat the game on Hard I was supposed to turn off the Xbox and turn it back on again. After that I was supposed to sign in using a controller and go to the setlist for the Hard campaing. Although I didn't since I started playing Expert songs instead. When I realised this dire mistake I went and checked if the glitch was still doable. And it was and I unlocked the Buy a Guitar Already achievement which, if you did it the way you're supposed to, means beating the game on Hard using a standard controller. Another easy 15 GS for me.

As usual I woke up and went to school and since nothing rarely happens worth mentioning during my time there I'm just gonna skip it. Afterwards on the other hand me and my girlfriend went to the city. Our first stop was the police station since I am in need of a new identification. I have been using my passport up to this point but it's getting increasingly harder to use it. I can't imagine why?

Can you spot what's wrong with it? Might be hard to see at first...

This is not valid anymore. There are rules but I don't understand them. The only reason I can see why it shouldn't be valid anymore is because of counterfeit. Right? But seriously, if you were a counterfeit-artist, would you really use this as your best attempt to cheat someone? By showing a ripped up passport? If it was me I would make a whole passport so I wouldn't raise any eyebrows when i show it to people. The less suspicion the better. Anywho, the visit to the police station was a fairly brief one and we were off to our next stop.
Buying new shoes for little old me. I get an enormous pain in my feet when I walk so we decided to get really good... No, awesomely good shoes for me so I don't hurt after 5 minutes off my ass. This was also a rather short stay since I found a pair (with help from the clerk of course) almost instantly. Now it's up to the test. If I hurt myself by walking again I'm gonna cut off my feet and get a wheelchair. There is no chance in hell that I get pain in my ass...

 My new black shoes!

After that my girlfriend went and got a haircut which is so overpriced I almost had a heartattack. 400 kr for trimming the tops. Holy crap! Lucky for me I don't have to deal with it since my hair is long gone. During her little stop at the hairdresser I went and bought Batman: Arkham Asylum and after that it was time to go home.
There wasn't much more to it. Now I sit here contemplating on where the time went. I mean I just woke up and now it's off to bed yet again. I will be 80 years old before I know it.

Go achieve something!


söndag 29 augusti 2010

Dribbling towards 22980 GS, disorders and screaming girlfriends

I finally got some time with FIFA 08 which is the game I'm focusing on at the moment. But to understand what I mean by "focusing on FIFA 08" when I've clearly only been playing Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock and Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved I have to explain my "disorder". I like order and I do things a certain way. When it comes to gaming I play games in a specific order. Alphabetically. Yeah, you heard right. From A-Z. At the moment I'm on G. Guitar Hero World Tour to be more exact. "But you just said..." Yes, I did. I'm playing FIFA 08 at the moment. That is because I just bought FIFA and since FIFA starts with an F I have to return to FIFA before continuing on G. Does it sound confusing? It's not. It's just a way for me to keep focus. This brings us to "The Harder Challenges." These are the achievements that are just plain hard. And so I don't get stuck playing the same game over and over until I go crazy. I give these games a few tries each time I play. If I make it: Great! If not: Try again some other time. So a rundown:

Game I'm currently focusing on (also the game featured in the banner): FIFA 08
The Harder Challenges: Achievements from Dead or Alive IV, Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved and Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock.

So, how did I do today? Well, I started playing Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved as usual and got off to a rather rocky start. My first attempt landed me on a bleak score of 119.525 points. Attempt 2 was almost as bad with 119.665 points. I thought that I did worse than usual and thought about giving up all together when on attempt 4 I brought my A-game (pure luck) and pulled of a score of 733.700 points. Yay, me! So the achievement Score 500.000 for 20 GS is officially mine. The next achievement in line is not a funny one. It's called Survived 500.000 and basically mean I have to do what I did today but without dying once. Fun... I gave it a few tries but I couldn't get more than 88.625 points without dying so that was disappointing.
There is a few enemies that is annoying as hell in that game:

Purple propeller (I dub thee Purpeller!): These are the easisest of the bunch. It just goes randomly across the screen bumping into the wall to change direction. Very easy enemies.
Blue squares (I dub thee Bluares!): Reminds me of the Purpellers but with one exception. These enemies chases you instead of just floating around.
Green squares within a square (I dub thee: Greesquare!): These are kind of like the Bluares but faster and relentlessly hunts you if you don't shoot against them. Shooting against makes them scurry off.
Pink cross within square (I dub thee: Picruare!): These are also hunters chasing you but if you shoot them they will divide into three smaller enemies which swirl around in a circular motoin towards you
Red rings (I dub the: ehhh... Red Rings!): Just a ring minding it's own bussines until it gets shot. Gravity then starts sucking in all around it and if gets too many enemies inside it will explode inte smaller blue rings that are fast as hell! Try to destroy them before the explode.
Red and blue worms (I dub thee: Well, Worms!): These squiggle towards you semi-fast. The problem is the tail. You can only destroy the worm by hitting the head and you die instantly if you touch the tail.
Small blue triangles (I dub thee: Smutri!): Very annoying. They always start swarming from the corners and there's a shitload of them. It's hard to shoot open a hole so you can pass through the waves of enemies.
The red C's (I dub thee: Assholes deserving death in all its glory!): These are the worst of all in my opinion. They have a shield in front of them so you can't shoot them from ahead. Their job is to just kamikaze your ass. You need to steer away as they charge while you shoot them on the side of their ship.

Yes, you are supposed to navigate through this. If something touches you: You die!

After Geometry Wars it was time for some Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock. I have been struggling with the last boss battle in Career Mode on the Hard difficulty. His name is Leo and he is a badass. I imagined I'd need a couple of weeks practising to win this fight. Actually I got it on my second try so the achievement Always Hard is mine! After that I kept playing but switched to the Expert difficulty. There I did 6 songs before failing and shutting the game off in a rage. Only 30 something to go and it will take a lot of time.

Leo is a badass and hard to beat. I'm sure he's a cakewalk to some of you but not to me.
Then it was time for the game I'm focusing on: FIFA 08. I'm aiming for the Boot Cleaner achievement right now which involves beating the first region in Challenge Mode. Challenge Mode is where you have to clear certain criterias to pass. Could be something like "Win by 3 goals" and such. There are 10 regions with 10 challenges each. Except in Region 1 where there is 15 challenges. That's 105 challenges in total divided over 10 achievements. One for each region. I successfully completed the 6th challenge which is called "Last Laugh" and it involves winning by 4 goals and score one goal when there is less than 10 minutes left on the clock. I didn't get furhter though since the next one was a pain.

Looks like a segment from the River Dance.

All in all it was a pretty decent day for achievements. I got 2 of them at least.

My day started off pretty good with my beautiful girlfriend waking me up. After some chilling I started working on an assigment for school. I was studying history this particular day. I really wasn't in the mood for doing the crap but I guess you don't have much of a choice when you're in school. At one point I ran out in the living room shouting: "I don't want to write anymore, waaaaah!" That's when my girlfriend gets up and runs around screaming just like me. She even signals me to follow her around and scream some more. You really make me smile, oh lovely creature! Then the mundane tasks as doing the dishes and taking out the trash followed. Soon it's time for bed so we wake up alive tomorrow. Chances are we won't since we're both a very tired breed of people. I am the worst of us though. It can be a real battle to get me out of bed. What I find worse is the fact that I have no recollection of the events when I'm half asleep so I can't really decide to just get out of bed. Now I need to clean out the litter box since my cats seems to dislike the fact that it's dirty in there. They should really learn how to use the toilet like normal people...

Go achieve something!

lördag 28 augusti 2010

Dribbling towards 22930 GS, election and migraine.

There is actually not a single achievement to report today. Me and my girlfriend continued playing Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock hunting the Medium Duo and Guitar Wizard achievements. Medium Duo is for 5-starring all songs on the Medium difficulty in Co-op. You get a rating based on how good you do rating from 3-5 stars. You could also get 5 gold stars which involves getting a 100% of the notes. Back Up Hero is to play through all songs on bass or back up guitar. We still got about 7-8 songs left before the achievements pop...

Same picture again? WTF!!

Woke up with a headache you wouldn't believe. It felt like my head was about to explode. I suspect migraine. Of course this was on the day when we were supposed to clean the god damn apartment. Ooh, lucky me, one might think. "You got off easy". Well, I didn't. Cleaning WITH my girlfriend is far more exciting than cleaning by myself which is what I will be doing tomorrow. She took half of the chores today and I will mop up the rest of the crap tomorrow. Damn! I hate cleaning too.

What else? Yeah, we watched another movie today.

 In Sweden this is called "En galen kväll" which means "A Crazy Night". Why translate it? We understand English!

This was what I expected and I enjoyed it. Steve Carell is absolutely awesome in every comedy he stars in. It's just something about him and his expressions that get to me and I start to laugh. I recommend this movie to anyone who likes a good laugh because there is no deep meaning with movies like this. Just laugh...

Last bid of bussiness. Election is coming up and I have no idea what I should vote. It just feels like all the politicians keep talking more and more crap the closer we get to the election. Not only that... They start to promise the same thing. If they were to keep their promises it wouldn't matter which party you vote for. Of course this is not the real world. They just try to get as many people to vote for them and then they do as they please. As always. There is actually just one thing I'm sure of. And that is which party to not vote for. SD. Yes, Sverigedemokraterna (The Swedish Democrats, maybe? The ones that think our problems lies with the immigrants). These guys are so full of shit that I just wanna run and hide. I'm afraid their lack of intelligence might be contagious. Inbred hillbillies (Yes, we have them as well). You know the ones going "Duh, duh, duh...?" Guess I should thank them for eliminating one of the parties at least.

"Duh, duh, duh!" "Duh!?"

Go achieve something!

fredag 27 augusti 2010

Dribbling towards 22930 GS, movies and shopping.

So against my better judgment I've picked up a blog. Everybody seems to have a blog nowadays so I better get one too. Better not stray too much from the norm. All joking aside I've thought about this for a while but I've never really known what a potential blog could be about. Do I really wanna show people the strangeness that is me?

Well, here I am and this blog will be a tale of legends which will be spoken of through eons to come. Like anyone will read this piece of crap...

Anywho... This blog will be about me, my achievement hunting on the Xbox 360 (Hence the title of the blog. Come on, people!) and some music-making of course. I will divide each post with the different "headlines", assuming I've done all three topics one day (I mean, being me is hard to ignore but the Xbox and music-making parts).

Didn't have that much time playing today due to some homework and shopping and so on.
But I attempted getting the Score 500.000 achievement from Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved. That didn't go as well as I had hoped. For those of you who haven't played the game (or who doesn't give a shit) it's an "futuristic shooter." HA! No, it's not. You are playing as a curved spaceship. It resembles a 'C' and all you do is fly around shooting different squiggly lines and shapes. It's all nice and fun at first but later on there's shit flying everywhere and you just can't see anything. That's when desperation kicks in and you have to stop yourself from throwing your controller at the TV. This is a game I've decided to "try a little each gaming session." So 2-4 attempts is enough before I lose my temper. Today I got pretty upset since I got 487.000 points which is pretty close to the goddamned achievement.

"Look at all the bright colors!"

After that I gave Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock a go. At the moment I'm aiming for the Always Hard achievement which basically is to make it through Career Mode on the Hard difficulty. I struggle a lot with this game. The problem is I've learnt to play with just one finger instead of letting all 5 fingers tap over the buttons (which is the correct way to play.) To clarify I slide one finger over the fret board and if you played the Guitar Hero games and tried songs like One with Metallica on Hard you know what I'm talking about. It's damn near impossible to make it with one finger. But restarting from Easy learning everything again is out of the question. I will probably not make it through all the achievements in the game but I will survive...

 "Try sliding your one finger over the fret board when this shit comes at you"

I did get the That's What Friends Are For achievement though. Me and my girlfriend played a little more Guitar Hero III but this time it was Co-op. I usually don't play any kind of Co-op since I hate getting my rear-end handed to me. Playing online is no joke. You get beaten upside down and inside out. But playing at home with my girlfriend is another matter since I don't loose and, well, she's my girlfriend.

 "Guitar Hero III is a blast in Co-op"

Today we didn't do much. Fridays are my days home from school and my girlfriend gets of work around noon. We just chilled most of the day until we could borrow my parents car and go for a shopping spree. Wow, I hate shopping. It's just so god damn boring I wanna implode. When I need something for myself I always check ahead to see where I can find it, how much it costs and where in the store the item is located (if that option is available.) Then I run in, grab it, and run out. After I pay for it of course. Yeah, but it goes fast as hell. I just can't understand walking into a store browsing. I just don't understand browsing... Who wants to browse? I mean for Gods sake, buy what you need and get the fuck out. Before the store drains your soul! That's why I'm thankful for my girlfriend. Although she is a woman she doesn't take all day when she goes shopping. Today was actually even enjoyable for a change.
After that we went and rented a couple of movies. I Love You Phillip Morris, Date Night and The Ghost Writer. We only watched one, though.

Can't say that it was a masterpiece. Can't say that I liked it at all actually. I expected what you expect when you pick up a Jim Carrey movie. I didn't get what i wanted. At all. I mean, he can act in more serious movies and I liked his performance in this one as well but when I expect a comedy and get something else it's pretty much ruined right from the get go. Ewan also did a good job as always. The dogs displayed on the cover was mediocre but it was their first big movie. Must have been the jitters. Now I'm gonna watch some Battlestar Galactica (since I'm so cool otherwise I need to pan it out with something a little bit nerdy).

Go achieve something!