onsdag 1 september 2010

Freeflowing towards 23310 GS, christmas magazines and election...

Me and My Life
I woke up around 1 AM today due to the fact that I didn't have any classes. You see, every other wednesday we don't have any chemistry-class. The reason for this is that the schedule has been screwed up by the administration at the school or something. We are supposed to have a total of 100 hours of chemistry but according to the schedule there's more than a 100 hours planned. So instead of shortening a class or something like that, they decide to make every other wednesday into reserve-time. During this time students can ask for extra help. That's something I won't do. I like the fact that I can stay home some of the days.
I started off by doing some homework. Didn't get too much done but it doesn't really matter since I'm already ahead of my planning. After that I went and did the dishes and later on cleaned the bathroom. Did I mention I hate cleaning?

When the chores were all taken care of I could do stuff I LIKE to do. So I started to surf the internet for information about the different parties so I could form an opinion for the upcoming election. I still have a hard time deciding what the hell I find important. I did, however, find a test where you had to answer questions about different matters which, at the end of the test, showed which party that suited you best. For me the most natural party would be Miljöpartiet (Environment party maybe?) Their goals might not be very hard to figure out based on their name. Second best was Vänsterpartiet (Left party. My translations rock!!) and after that Feministiskt Initiativ (Feministic Initiative) (!?) Well, that should make my girlfriend happy... The test didn't really make me decide anything but it showed what parties to look into. And I know which parties I won't vote for. That's one chip off my shoulder (or three actually).

Around this time someone rang on my doorbell. Who could it be? We rarely get visitors unannounced so I got suspicious. Had to check the peephole before opening the door only to be greeted by a little girl who was selling magazines and books. We have something called Jultidningar (Christmas Magazines) in Sweden where kids can go around selling different magazines and books which will later on arrive at the recipients door around christmas. Personally I think it resembles child labor because I remember when I ran around trying to sell these things. First of all you get a provision on everything sold. It's not much but it's cash. Based on how well you do you can get bonuses like iPods and crap (A walkman when I was a kid) I can't really remember but back in the day the amount of magazines you had to sell for the top bonus was ridiculous. Somewhere around 5000 kr which is pretty fucking much.

But standing there looking at this little girl, who was already expecting a no, I saw myself as a kid trying to sell things for a keychain and I just couldn't say no. So I checked through the catalogue just hoping that there were anything of value to me. Found it! Avatar on DVD. Me and my girlfriend had decided to get this movie somewhere along the line anyway. The girl lit up like a christmas tree and gave me some shit to sign. Glad I could make her day!

 I'm blue, dabadee, dabadaa...

Achievements (may contain spoilers)
A good day for achievements I must say. I started going through Batman: Arkham Asylum and was determined to get the Freeflow Combo 10 achievement. So I found a place where there was a lot of enemies and started to smack them around. This achievement was harder than I thought though. Three buttons to press at certain situations. X for normal attacks which I was using frequently, Y for counterattacks against attacking enemies and B for a stunning attack against enemies with knives and such. The problem is to time it and aim each attack the right way. If I attacked an enemy with a knife with a regular attack they would block it and the combo would break. If I used a counterattack when someone wasn't attacking me it would break the combo. I did around ten attempts before I got the damn achievement.
After that I didn't get any "extra" achievements. By extra I mean stuff not in the story. I continued playing and got the Recurring Nightmare achievement for surviving yet another encounter with the Scarecrow and his damn gas and then I got the Zsasz Cut Down to Size achievement for saving Dr. Young from said Zsasz. At that moment my girlfriend asked me if I wanted to play some Guitar Hero with her.


The achievements racked up pretty quick during this sessions of Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock. There was only 6 songs left to complete before we'd done everything on the Medium difficulty so after just a short while I got the Back Up Hero achievement for completing every song as the back up guitar or bass guitar. After that we just had to redo one song because we only got 4 stars on it the first time around for the Medium Duo achievement which is, as you might've guessed, getting 5 stars on all songs on the Medium difficulty. After that we dove into the Co-Op campaign yet again but this time on Easy. See, we have to do everything one more time on Easy. There is also achievements on Hard and Expert but my girlfriend has not been playing the game as much as me so she has some trouble on the harder difficulties and my desire to get achievements is not her problem. I'm not gonna force the poor thing... Much... But I am happy she's willing to help me with what she can manage! Anywho, since Easy is very easy we got the Leaders of the Pack achievement which is for getting 100% notes on a song in Co-Op. Yay us!

Top hat and curly hair? I can only be Slash!

Back to Batman since my girlfriends show was starting on TV. I continued the story and got the Solitary Confinement achievement for apprehending the Jokers sidekick, Harley Quinn. Now I had gotten, what I thought was all the gadgets so I could actively start looking fo collectibles.
I went back to the beginning of the game and started tracking a lot of collectibles down. I then decided to get back into the building I first started in since I knew that there was still shit to do in there as well. The front door was locked but when I first started the game I remembered that I left this building through a cave accessible from the top floor in the building so I grappled my way up top and found a door. A door that seemed out of reach. After some missed jumps I finally got up there even though it seemed as it was more because of luck than something that was supposed to happen. I got inside and started to crawl through a ventilation shaft. I now realized my grappling thingie wasn't working. Hmmm? WTF? I got further in and saw a big circular hole in the wall leading to the big room in the building so I went through it. This lead me above the map unable to get anywhere. I clearly wasn't supposed to reach the door I came in through and everything in the building refused to load up properly. I got out and realized that I'm not supposed to return into the places I'd been just yet so I started looking for more collectibles and naturally found a place I couldn't reach and realized I need yet another gadget. Bah! I don't want to actively search for collectibles before I can get them all so I stopped looking. I did, however, manage to get the Mystery Solver achievement, which represents 40% of the collectibles. Then I shut the game off.

 Nananananananana Nananananananana Batman!

All in all 8 achievements from 2 games worth 110 GS!

Go achieve something!

Clip of the Day

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