söndag 29 augusti 2010

Dribbling towards 22980 GS, disorders and screaming girlfriends

I finally got some time with FIFA 08 which is the game I'm focusing on at the moment. But to understand what I mean by "focusing on FIFA 08" when I've clearly only been playing Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock and Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved I have to explain my "disorder". I like order and I do things a certain way. When it comes to gaming I play games in a specific order. Alphabetically. Yeah, you heard right. From A-Z. At the moment I'm on G. Guitar Hero World Tour to be more exact. "But you just said..." Yes, I did. I'm playing FIFA 08 at the moment. That is because I just bought FIFA and since FIFA starts with an F I have to return to FIFA before continuing on G. Does it sound confusing? It's not. It's just a way for me to keep focus. This brings us to "The Harder Challenges." These are the achievements that are just plain hard. And so I don't get stuck playing the same game over and over until I go crazy. I give these games a few tries each time I play. If I make it: Great! If not: Try again some other time. So a rundown:

Game I'm currently focusing on (also the game featured in the banner): FIFA 08
The Harder Challenges: Achievements from Dead or Alive IV, Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved and Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock.

So, how did I do today? Well, I started playing Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved as usual and got off to a rather rocky start. My first attempt landed me on a bleak score of 119.525 points. Attempt 2 was almost as bad with 119.665 points. I thought that I did worse than usual and thought about giving up all together when on attempt 4 I brought my A-game (pure luck) and pulled of a score of 733.700 points. Yay, me! So the achievement Score 500.000 for 20 GS is officially mine. The next achievement in line is not a funny one. It's called Survived 500.000 and basically mean I have to do what I did today but without dying once. Fun... I gave it a few tries but I couldn't get more than 88.625 points without dying so that was disappointing.
There is a few enemies that is annoying as hell in that game:

Purple propeller (I dub thee Purpeller!): These are the easisest of the bunch. It just goes randomly across the screen bumping into the wall to change direction. Very easy enemies.
Blue squares (I dub thee Bluares!): Reminds me of the Purpellers but with one exception. These enemies chases you instead of just floating around.
Green squares within a square (I dub thee: Greesquare!): These are kind of like the Bluares but faster and relentlessly hunts you if you don't shoot against them. Shooting against makes them scurry off.
Pink cross within square (I dub thee: Picruare!): These are also hunters chasing you but if you shoot them they will divide into three smaller enemies which swirl around in a circular motoin towards you
Red rings (I dub the: ehhh... Red Rings!): Just a ring minding it's own bussines until it gets shot. Gravity then starts sucking in all around it and if gets too many enemies inside it will explode inte smaller blue rings that are fast as hell! Try to destroy them before the explode.
Red and blue worms (I dub thee: Well, Worms!): These squiggle towards you semi-fast. The problem is the tail. You can only destroy the worm by hitting the head and you die instantly if you touch the tail.
Small blue triangles (I dub thee: Smutri!): Very annoying. They always start swarming from the corners and there's a shitload of them. It's hard to shoot open a hole so you can pass through the waves of enemies.
The red C's (I dub thee: Assholes deserving death in all its glory!): These are the worst of all in my opinion. They have a shield in front of them so you can't shoot them from ahead. Their job is to just kamikaze your ass. You need to steer away as they charge while you shoot them on the side of their ship.

Yes, you are supposed to navigate through this. If something touches you: You die!

After Geometry Wars it was time for some Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock. I have been struggling with the last boss battle in Career Mode on the Hard difficulty. His name is Leo and he is a badass. I imagined I'd need a couple of weeks practising to win this fight. Actually I got it on my second try so the achievement Always Hard is mine! After that I kept playing but switched to the Expert difficulty. There I did 6 songs before failing and shutting the game off in a rage. Only 30 something to go and it will take a lot of time.

Leo is a badass and hard to beat. I'm sure he's a cakewalk to some of you but not to me.
Then it was time for the game I'm focusing on: FIFA 08. I'm aiming for the Boot Cleaner achievement right now which involves beating the first region in Challenge Mode. Challenge Mode is where you have to clear certain criterias to pass. Could be something like "Win by 3 goals" and such. There are 10 regions with 10 challenges each. Except in Region 1 where there is 15 challenges. That's 105 challenges in total divided over 10 achievements. One for each region. I successfully completed the 6th challenge which is called "Last Laugh" and it involves winning by 4 goals and score one goal when there is less than 10 minutes left on the clock. I didn't get furhter though since the next one was a pain.

Looks like a segment from the River Dance.

All in all it was a pretty decent day for achievements. I got 2 of them at least.

My day started off pretty good with my beautiful girlfriend waking me up. After some chilling I started working on an assigment for school. I was studying history this particular day. I really wasn't in the mood for doing the crap but I guess you don't have much of a choice when you're in school. At one point I ran out in the living room shouting: "I don't want to write anymore, waaaaah!" That's when my girlfriend gets up and runs around screaming just like me. She even signals me to follow her around and scream some more. You really make me smile, oh lovely creature! Then the mundane tasks as doing the dishes and taking out the trash followed. Soon it's time for bed so we wake up alive tomorrow. Chances are we won't since we're both a very tired breed of people. I am the worst of us though. It can be a real battle to get me out of bed. What I find worse is the fact that I have no recollection of the events when I'm half asleep so I can't really decide to just get out of bed. Now I need to clean out the litter box since my cats seems to dislike the fact that it's dirty in there. They should really learn how to use the toilet like normal people...

Go achieve something!

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