måndag 30 augusti 2010

Being heroic towards 23260 GS, new shoes and identity...

ACHIEVEMENTS (may contain spoilers)
Today I got a brand new (old) game. Batman: Arkham Asylum which is an awesome game. At least so far but I guess there is a reason why it was chosen as Game of the Year. The thing I love about starting a new game is all the achievements that follow. There is almost always a bunch you can get right off the bat and Batman: Arkham Asylum is no exception.
I played through the start of the game doing some minor shit along the way. The combat in this game is awesome and the achievements tied to them are called "Freeflow blah, blah" which is something that describes the fights brilliantly. The first achievement I got was Freeflow Combo 5 which is rather self-explanatory. Just score a 5-hit combo which is rather easy since there is about 3-6 enemies in each encounter and each guy takes up to 5 hits to knock out. After that I got Shocking Rescue which is an achievement tied to the story and therefore you cannot miss it. It's unlocked after you save the guard from Zsasz. There, I spoiled it! Continuing on I found myself (my character of course since I'm not THAT crazy) in a room filled with gas. In here there are 2 guards and one inmate hanging on for dear life above the gas. When I saved said 3 people I got the Leave No Man Behind achievement. After that I met the Joker. Yes, the coolest villain of them all. I just love his sense of humour. In this room he releases some kind of human / hairless ape hybrid that you need to dodge for the Malpractice Needs More Practice achievement. I misunderstood the fight and tried to kick his ass which resulted in me getting a pretty hefty beating. Done with that my bruised (see what I did there? Bruce Wayne is Batman... No? Damn!) Batman entered a new room with a lot of armed enemies and in here got the coolest achievement in this game yet. You can unlock a special move called "Invertal Takedown", or something, which basically let's you hang from objects in the ceiling and swoop down and pick the enemy up and let him go, now hanging from a rope from said object. Then I just had to wait until another unsuspecting poor soul walked underneath him and use my Batarang to cut the hanging man down, on top of the other enemy. Priceless! Rope-a-Dope-a-Dope unlocked.
The Riddler makes an appearance in this game too in the form of collectibles. He leaves riddles stashed in various forms through the entire game. I think there are something around a total of 200 different things lying around. The next achievement is tied to that. Upon finding around 8-10 of these I got Arkham Analyst. That apparently represents 5% of the collectibles. Last but not least upon leaving the building I first started in I got the story achievement Born Free.
So all in all it was a pretty good night with 7 achievements netting me 75 GS.

The battle system is awesome in this game. Go Leatherpatch! (Yes, the swedish name in English)

Oh, by the way. Before going to bed last night I remembered a glitch in Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock. After I beat the game on Hard I was supposed to turn off the Xbox and turn it back on again. After that I was supposed to sign in using a controller and go to the setlist for the Hard campaing. Although I didn't since I started playing Expert songs instead. When I realised this dire mistake I went and checked if the glitch was still doable. And it was and I unlocked the Buy a Guitar Already achievement which, if you did it the way you're supposed to, means beating the game on Hard using a standard controller. Another easy 15 GS for me.

As usual I woke up and went to school and since nothing rarely happens worth mentioning during my time there I'm just gonna skip it. Afterwards on the other hand me and my girlfriend went to the city. Our first stop was the police station since I am in need of a new identification. I have been using my passport up to this point but it's getting increasingly harder to use it. I can't imagine why?

Can you spot what's wrong with it? Might be hard to see at first...

This is not valid anymore. There are rules but I don't understand them. The only reason I can see why it shouldn't be valid anymore is because of counterfeit. Right? But seriously, if you were a counterfeit-artist, would you really use this as your best attempt to cheat someone? By showing a ripped up passport? If it was me I would make a whole passport so I wouldn't raise any eyebrows when i show it to people. The less suspicion the better. Anywho, the visit to the police station was a fairly brief one and we were off to our next stop.
Buying new shoes for little old me. I get an enormous pain in my feet when I walk so we decided to get really good... No, awesomely good shoes for me so I don't hurt after 5 minutes off my ass. This was also a rather short stay since I found a pair (with help from the clerk of course) almost instantly. Now it's up to the test. If I hurt myself by walking again I'm gonna cut off my feet and get a wheelchair. There is no chance in hell that I get pain in my ass...

 My new black shoes!

After that my girlfriend went and got a haircut which is so overpriced I almost had a heartattack. 400 kr for trimming the tops. Holy crap! Lucky for me I don't have to deal with it since my hair is long gone. During her little stop at the hairdresser I went and bought Batman: Arkham Asylum and after that it was time to go home.
There wasn't much more to it. Now I sit here contemplating on where the time went. I mean I just woke up and now it's off to bed yet again. I will be 80 years old before I know it.

Go achieve something!


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