lördag 28 augusti 2010

Dribbling towards 22930 GS, election and migraine.

There is actually not a single achievement to report today. Me and my girlfriend continued playing Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock hunting the Medium Duo and Guitar Wizard achievements. Medium Duo is for 5-starring all songs on the Medium difficulty in Co-op. You get a rating based on how good you do rating from 3-5 stars. You could also get 5 gold stars which involves getting a 100% of the notes. Back Up Hero is to play through all songs on bass or back up guitar. We still got about 7-8 songs left before the achievements pop...

Same picture again? WTF!!

Woke up with a headache you wouldn't believe. It felt like my head was about to explode. I suspect migraine. Of course this was on the day when we were supposed to clean the god damn apartment. Ooh, lucky me, one might think. "You got off easy". Well, I didn't. Cleaning WITH my girlfriend is far more exciting than cleaning by myself which is what I will be doing tomorrow. She took half of the chores today and I will mop up the rest of the crap tomorrow. Damn! I hate cleaning too.

What else? Yeah, we watched another movie today.

 In Sweden this is called "En galen kväll" which means "A Crazy Night". Why translate it? We understand English!

This was what I expected and I enjoyed it. Steve Carell is absolutely awesome in every comedy he stars in. It's just something about him and his expressions that get to me and I start to laugh. I recommend this movie to anyone who likes a good laugh because there is no deep meaning with movies like this. Just laugh...

Last bid of bussiness. Election is coming up and I have no idea what I should vote. It just feels like all the politicians keep talking more and more crap the closer we get to the election. Not only that... They start to promise the same thing. If they were to keep their promises it wouldn't matter which party you vote for. Of course this is not the real world. They just try to get as many people to vote for them and then they do as they please. As always. There is actually just one thing I'm sure of. And that is which party to not vote for. SD. Yes, Sverigedemokraterna (The Swedish Democrats, maybe? The ones that think our problems lies with the immigrants). These guys are so full of shit that I just wanna run and hide. I'm afraid their lack of intelligence might be contagious. Inbred hillbillies (Yes, we have them as well). You know the ones going "Duh, duh, duh...?" Guess I should thank them for eliminating one of the parties at least.

"Duh, duh, duh!" "Duh!?"

Go achieve something!

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