söndag 5 september 2010

Freeflowing towards 23310 GS and not much else...

Me and My Life
As the title suggests not much has been happening today. I woke up to my girlfriend telling me that her parents will be arriving in a bout 5 minutes. After that I was up... We were gonna go and pick up the couch that they bought about 4 weeks back. Since I know the people that work there me and Emma went along to make sure the pickup went as planned. The fact that Emmas parents are deaf might be another factor. We stuffed the couch on a trailer and then we were off again.
Back home we just chilled almost all day... Now I'm sitting here rather pissed of how Battlestar Galactica ended. I now wonder if I might've missed a season or something but using all the power of the internet I can't find any information concerning hwo to get a hold of the 5th season (which started airing 1 January apparently.) Therefore I started watching another show called Fringe. The first epidoe was rather cool and I look forward to continue watching it. I might also pick up some Anime since I found a site where you can stream almost anything from the artists in Japan.

Japanese picturepuzzle

The picture on the left is the finished one and the right is a new one I started on today...

Achievements (contains spoilers)
Well I haven't been playing a lot today either. I started playing Batman: Arkham Asylum where I'm currently focusing on the challenges in the game. I started by attempting one of the easier achievements. After a few tries I got the Invisible Predator achievement which involves playing through an entire Predator level using only Silent Takedowns and without being detected. After that I started working on getting medals on the Predator levels. I got 5-6 today. In total I got 14 or 15. Just 8 or 9 to go.

The guards are totally retarded for not spotting Batman during these challenges due to the lighting. But I guess that's why they decided to become criminals

After that me and my girlfriend played Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock yet again. Easy is so boring so it's hard to play through to many songs without slipping into a coma. We did a few though before going into the Hard difficulty. Emma is doing really well (even though she has random fits against the game and TV.) She can get pretty upset when she loses. It's a good thing I'm not the one she's mad at.
All in all I got 1 lousy achievement worth 10 G. That's... not so awesome...

This guy has hair in a funny color. This means that he is using drugs.

Go achieve something!

Clip of the Day

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