måndag 6 september 2010

Slicing towards 24310 GS, afros and the library...

Me and My Life
Well, what's new? Started off another boring day at school with math I'm snoozing through followed by an experiment in chemistry where we were supposed to check residues and such from various metals and the likes. It was pretty fun but the different smells that was released in that room brought out one hell of a headache. But I have to endure if I want a high grade I guess. On the break between math and chemistry I went to the reception and checked how many more hours I have to complete before I can apply for högskolan (university?) It seems I need 450 more hours which translates into one more semester. 18 weeks to be more exact. I then wanted to check how much longer I can apply for student loans. Here was the shocker... After the 18 weeks I'm currently studying I have 9 more weeks where I'm allowed student loans on this level of study. This is nothing short of a disaster since I'm sooooo close to graduating I can smell it. So I might just have to try and find a part time job (What?!? In this economy?!) to keep me and my loved one afloat. Everything usually turns out for the best. Only time will tell.
After school me and my girlfriend went to the library to check out a book written by an english-speaking author long before I was born. I had to have this bookfor my english course. I would never set foot in a library if I didn't have to. I might explore it a lot though since they nowadays rent out games as well. Seeing how I won't have money to buy games I might as well rent them and sack them for achievements! MUAHAHAHA! I'm evil... I'm gonna watch an episode of Fringe (Yay, I'm cool again!) before turning in...

Japanese picturepuzzle

What might this be? Huh?

Achievements (contains spoilers)
According to the banner I've yet again switched games. When I went to the library and rented a game I just had to get one on the letter A (since I'm crazy.) I had Amped 3 and Afro Samurai to chose from. Amped 3 doesn't seem to be a very good game but Afro Samurai seems awesome.
I was somewhat right. It's (I'm guessing here) based of an Anime as far as I can see and it's one bloody game. It stars Afro Samurai. A black, katana-wielding badass with an afro worthy of some kind of reward. It's just bouncy and fluffy. He seems to be on a quest to find the second headband which he really wants to get his hands on. I can't really tell you why since I haven't gotten very far. The story doesn't seem to be of the epic kind but what can you expect from a Hack 'n' Slash title? The only downfall to the game so far is the somewhat dodgy controller. The coolest thing about it is that Samuel L. Jackson stars as one of the voices in the game. He got one hell of a voice....
Anywho, I started the game and was introduced to some sort of training mission (as always). Two guys charged me and I started to slash my way through them with the afro just tagging along. I immediately got the Mash Medley achievement and the Give Me a Hand achievement for keeping a combo going for 20 hits and slicing off an enemy's hand respectively. Awesome game! I started to play around with the controls and found a button which seemed to slow down time and a flash went across the katana. It stopped at the tip of the sword and then disappeared. I realized that you're supposed to slash when it's at the top for more power. Upon using it against a poor ninja (with far less skills than Afro Ninja) I cut him in half (yes in half!) and got the Closer to God achievement for cutting an enemy in half using a critical hit. I continued using this awesome move and got the Hats off to You achievement and the Hip Hop achievement for cutting off someones head using a critical hit and simply cutting off a foot respectively. I met one last ninja and got the This Little Piggy achievement for slicing off both fingers and toes from one enemy. This seems to be one of the more elusive achievements since it's purely based on luck. After that I got the And so it Begins achievement for playing through the prelude.

Slow-mo, mo-fo!

After this I started the actual game and rather quickly I got the Meijin achievement which means killing 100 enemies (damn, you kill a lot of enemies.) Now I found this game's collectibles Don't you just love collectibles? The more the better! There seemed to be five in this episode so going through it, slicing people left and right I searched for them as good as I could but I only found 4 before standing face to face with the boss. After defeating him I got the A Secret History achievement. Chapter 1 complete... But... But... One collectible is still there just waiting for me! So of course I replayed the chapter to find the fifth one. On my way through the chapter again I accidently got the Two Birds One Sword achievement which involves slicing two enemies in half at the same time. Following that I got the Slow Your Roll achievement for slicing an enemy in the midst of an attack (WTF?! Is that an achievement?) Finally I got the The Child Without a Name achievement for finding all 5 Mementos (collectibles which unlocks skills passed down from your father, apparently.) After this I just stopped playing since I had gotten a lot of achievements (a quarter of them, actually) in a rather short time. Don't want the game to be over too soon.

You just gut served, biatch! (See what I did there? Gut... I'm awesome...)

All in all I got 12 achievements worth 80 GS.

Go achieve something!

Clip of the Day

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